Saturday, April 17, 2010

2o Questions

20 questions- Here we go:
Tweedle Dumb 85Tweedle Dee
[1] Things you cannot leave the house without:
My lil boys backpack and my Ipod

[2] Favorite brand of Make Up:
Anything..dont wear much

[3] Favorite flower:
Dubbed colored Roses
Roses, Cherrie Blossoms, CasaBlancas,Orchids

[4] Favorite clothing store:
Ecko and Pro Sport store
Fashion Q

[5] Favorite perfume:
Black by Kenneth Cole
Arami for men (and no im not a man and i know its a colonge)

[6] Heels or Flats:
If i have to wear one it would be heels are cuter but flats are more comfortable..but im always usually in sneakers

[7] Do you make good grades:
A!nt !n school..But naw ! d!dnt
Not in school..but i did in Middle went down hill after that

[8] Favorite colors:
All colors..just love colorsblue, black,pink,
[9] Do you drink energy drinks:
Hell naw

[10] Do you drink juice.
Hell naw
Yea..but not as much

[11] Do you like swimming:
Cool beans
I would probrably drown unless im at 5ft

[12] Do you eat fries with a fork:
only if there cheese fries smuthered in a lot of cheese n bacon..lots of bacon.and some onions

[13] Favorite moisturizer:
! dunno
Johnson n JOhnson
[14] Do you want to get married later on in life:
! dunno woman that just l!ve their l!fe to get married scare me..!T a!nt an accompl!shment And !t a!nt a failure
Depends on what day you ask me..Today maybe not..but if i did it would be in a black dress

[15] Do you get mad easily:
Naw l!fe!s too short
Depends on the situation and who its involved

[16] Are you into ghost hunting:
HEll naw..thats scary
Not really

[17] Any phobias ?
Bathrooms freak me out..the germs

[18] Do you bite your nails?
[19] Have you ever had a near death experience:
Not that ! know of

[20] Do you drink coffee:
HEll naw
not really..i rarely have any frapps with coffee..mainly vanilla bean frap..its like ice cream

I tag anyone who wants to do this