Friday, May 7, 2010

...DAN MARK M!LLER...1980...

what can you say about DAN except that he has one  of the most amazing vo!ces Ive ever heard... h!s stage precense !s unbel!vable (trust and watch o-town l!ve !n NYC)... i bel!ve he had what !t took to be a mult!. plat. solo art!st !f g!ven the right chance...

H!s solo cd SLOWER THAN A GUN !s amaz!ng just l!sten!ng to h!s voice blew my m!nd st!ll does everyt!me i hear  h!s vo!ce wheather on  h!s  solo cd or on any o-town song (all h!s parts are my fav. when it comes to o-towns 2 cds) h!s sound !s a l!l' d!ffernt than i expected but st!ll amaz!ng h!s cd !s one of those !f you havent got !t go get !t...( ive been l!sten!n' to h!s cd non-stop s!nce i got !t and i cant seem to get enough)...i g!ve h!s cd ********** plus...

i would love !f DAN would come out w!th more mus!c i know hes not really feel!n' it CUZ hes more of a backround producer/songwritter type person but im tell!n' ya the world !s m!ss!n out on some amaz!n' talent i would love to see DAN peform atleast  once !n my t!me !f not more. I alos w!sh for a complete DAN album id buy It !n a heat.... id st!ll really love an o-town reun!on... just say!n'...

....but if anyth!ng another DAN album would just wow blow my m!nd to the fullest...


...just l!sten to h!s vo!ce !ts so powerful...

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